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DV Education/Programs

JADASA provides training and trauma-informed approach programs and support services for children, teens, abuse survivors, and employees.   These activities help survivors change their lives for the better.

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Identify hallmarks of healthy relationships, process trauma and report violence. 

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Our online source for free evidence-based, interactive curricula on intimate partner abuse and sexual violence designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and practices of those who work with patients or clients who have experienced violence and abuse.

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Learn how to plan, design and launch mobile apps to develop confidence and useful skills.

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Technical Literacy

​Our adult Tech Lit Course also known as digital literacy, helps participants to effectively and responsibly use technology tools and resources to acquire, evaluate, create, and communicate information.

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Preventive awareness groups for faith-based, educational, civic and community gatherings.

  • Weekly
    Ferguson, Ferguson, MO, USA
    When it comes to healing from domestic violence, it helps to have people you can talk to regularly. Ongoing communication helps you make sense of what you're experiencing and also provides support, validation, and resources from people who have been through the same things as you.
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